The following are frequently asked questions in regard to Title IX and related policies. The material in these FAQs may be difficult to read and triggering; please take care of yourself and reach out to our Confidential Care and Support Team if you need assistance. If your question was not answered or if you would like to see additional questions added please contact the Title IX Office via email at or call during business hours Monday through Friday 8am - 5pm at (321) 674-7386.
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender (sex), including sexual harassment. View more information about Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.
If the University knows or in the exercise of reasonable care should know about student-on-student sexual harassment, including sexual violence, that creates a hostile environment, Title IX law requires the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred (subject to confidentiality considerations). If an investigation reveals that sexual harassment, including sexual violence, created a hostile environment, the University must then take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual harassment or sexual violence, prevent its recurrence and, as appropriate, remedy its effects on the victim and University community.
Please view the Title IX Team for the most recently updated list.
All student staff working in the residences must report any Title IX-related concerns to the Title IX Coordinator and/or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator who will then report to the Title IX Coordinator. Outreach communication via email and/or the Maxient system will be sent to the Complainant along with an offer to meet with the Complainant to assist in immediate safety measures and other necessary and appropriate supportive measures in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator.
ALL Florida Tech employees are mandated reporters.
Notify the Title IX Office promptly. If the student needs emergency assistance call: 911 or 8111 Security Department!
Complete the Title IX reporting Form with as much as the following information as was reported to you (noting you should not investigate) as well as encourage the student or employee to do the same.
What to include on the report:
- Name of the person who may have experienced Title IX Prohibited Conduct (Complainant)
- Name of the Responding Party (accused party) (if known)
- Date of the incident
- Date the information was shared with you
- Name of the person to whom the report was made
- Location of the incident (be as specific as possible: On Campus or off-Campus)
- Time of the incident
- Nature of the conduct (be as specific as possible regarding the allegations: g., "Complainant awoke to Responding Party touching her breasts without permission.")
Following a report, the Title IX Office will send outreach communication that we have received the correspondence and will be reaching out to the Complainant to offer to meet to assist with immediate safety measures and other necessary and appropriate supportive measures.
If a Complainant requests to remain confidential, the University will give serious consideration to that request. Only in rare circumstances will the University proceed to a Title IX investigation against the wishes of the Complainant. Generally, the University will seek to honor the request of the Complainant not to proceed to a Title IX investigation and to remain confidential and will not proceed to a formal Title IX investigation without the consent of the Complainant. The Title IX Coordinator will consider a number of factors in deciding whether the request can be honored, including the age of the Complainant, whether there is evidence of a pattern of misconduct, the severity of the misconduct, and whether there is a safety risk to the Complainant or the Florida Tech community. Should the University, in weighing such factors, determine it must proceed, the University will explain its rationale to the Complainant and make sure that the Complainant is offered a support person throughout the process. The Complainant will not be required to participate in the process as a prerequisite to the University proceeding.
Confidential consultations about Title IX Prohibited Conduct are available from persons who, by law, have special professional status (University mental health professionals and University clergy). A Florida Tech student may contact the following offices for confidential advice and help:
Student Counseling Center
Holzer Student Health Center
Campus Chaplain- Catholic
Campus Chaplain—Protestant 352-460-7353
Student Ombudsperson
Kristen Nelson
Upon a report of a Title IX concern, the University will work with the Complainant to put supportive measures in place to ensure a safe, hostile free environment for the student. Following an investigation and a determination that conduct prohibited by Title IX occurred, more permanent supportive measures and remedies may be implemented. Supportive measures could include:
- Housing supportive measures
- Counseling services
- Academic supportive measures
- Transportation services
- Mutual No Contact Order
- Limitation on extracurricular or athletic activities
- Removal from University community
- Other appropriate actions as necessary
A Florida Tech student may contact the Title IX Office and/or Deputy Title IX Coordinators listed here.
The purpose of a Title IX investigation pursuant to the University's Title IX Procedure is to determine:
- Whether or not Prohibited Title IX Conduct has occurred;
- Whether there is an ongoing risk of harm from further Prohibited Title IX Conduct and, if so, what steps are necessary to prevent its recurrence;
- Whether supportive measures for the Complainant need to be put in place to redress the effects of Prohibited Title IX Conduct;
- Whether supportive measures or safety measures should be put in place to ensure the safety of the Florida Tech community;
- Whether the conduct warrants a Hearing for discipline; and
- Whether any changes to policies, practices or training should be considered and implemented.
You can learn more by clicking the following link: Title IX Policy or by contacting the Title IX Coordinator David McMahan via email at or via phone at 321-674-736 or Senior Deputy Kelsey Garrett via email at or via phone at 321-674-7153. Our general email is
A student who has been accused of Title IX prohibited conduct can contact the Title IX Office. Confidential support also is available from Student Counseling Center, Holzer Student Health, Campus Chaplain and the Ombudsman Office.